Sunday, February 28, 2010

Keratin Kare

***Just an F.Y.I. for those in the Maryland/DC/VA area.***

Many of you beauties are quite familiar with the rave about Keratin Hair Treatments, but Penny is a novice and has never had one herself. This is the treatment that claims to straighten and smooth your hair, as well as elminate frizz for several MONTHS at a time, without the constant use of blow dryers, flat irons, and other hot tools. The treatment must be done by a professional initially; then they will instruct you on how to care for your hair so that it lasts as long as it should. You do have to take particular care of your hair, and at home products are usually sold at the salons that offer the treatments (and online of course; you all know how Penny loves her online research). LOL!  The Brazilian Keratin treatment I've heard many "warnings" about, and most have stayed away from this form of the treatment. However, the Coppola Keratin Complex (Smoothing Therapy) treatment is supposed to work very well without the use of formaldehyde and the harsh chemicals found in a regular chemical relaxer.

Apparently these treatments can come at a high price and vary from state to state, and salon to salon. The purpose for this post is to let Penny's Posse members know that ULTA Salons are once again offering a special to first-time customers starting at $185-$195 depending on the location. Call the ULTA salon nearest you if you're interested; go to for locations. Just a few weeks ago these same salons were charging $225-$250 for this treatment; so I say if you're interested, now is the time. Not sure how long this offer will last, or how much the maintenance care products cost. I have had friends get quotes for $300 and $400 and paid that much for these treatments that last the same amount of time and work as well as the Coppola treatment.

Just sharing....

Be blessed. Be beautiful.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Put Your Best FACE Forward

Penny's Positively Radiant!
That is because last Friday evening I had one of the best facials I've ever had! (And you know Penny has had her fair share of spa treatments. LOL!) Germaine Williams, founder of The Red Bloom Wellness Spa in Bethesda, MD is amazing! ( This was a wonderful experience in relaxation, meditation and education. After a brief consultation and examination of my skin, Germaine provided me with a thorough, soothing, rejuvenating and hydrating facial with a few minor extractions. The upper body massage (complete with hot stones) was the icing on the cake! Fabulous! (Penny has always wanted to try a hot stone massage...what a fantastic sensation; will have to ask if they do the hot stone body massage...hmmmm).

I started this blog the night of my facial but was too relaxed and sleepy to finish (that's a big deal for this insomniac). LOL! I also realized that I learned so much in my one visit that I needed some time to pull it all together. One of the things I love most about The Red Bloom is that they use treatments with approximately 90% certified organic ingredients, and they have a commitment to natural skincare. Some of the brands currently sold include Hylunia-Sensitive Skin Specialists; Osmosis-Pur Medical Skincare, 80 Acres, and Diana B. They are a new business so they will be introducing new products and maybe services in the coming months as well. Just call and ask if you're interested in a particular product or procedure (301-907-9001).

Many of the products might be considered to be a little pricey, but Penny is used to paying for 'quality' products; and some of these lines can only be purchased in a spa or doctor's office. Pssst! Penny also did her usual research on some of the products I bought and the prices at spa were the same as online, so that was nice to know. Penny believes that no matter how fabulous your spa facial may be, if you can't afford to keep up a healthy regimen with the products that are best suited for you, your visits could be a waste of time and you will be starting over each time, trying to achieve the same goal. This doesn't mean that you have to shop every time you go to the spa; but at least jot down the products that provided good results and maybe look for budget-friendly alternatives. Or simply budget to make a purchase at your next spa visit and buy one product at a time. [Note: If you purchase any products at The Red Bloom, ask about their recycle program].

Now to the specifics of my facial. (read full story...)

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Oil Cleansing Method (OCM)

Hello folks!
Penny is not going to let almost two feet of snow make her glum. This self-proclaimed sun goddess is in need of warmth in a bad way, but will have to settle for a cup of tea and my blog. LOL! I will simply plan to spend most of the night researching facial moisturizers online. Not sure why it is so difficult for someone like Penny with combination, dry, sensitive skin to find a moisturizer for day with SPF and one for night with hydrating qualities. I have received great suggestions, but cannot try several of them due to the citrus oils they contain (I'm allergic).

Speaking of oils...Penny would like to share with you a homeopathic method of facial cleansing and massage that I have been successfully practicing for the past couple months. The Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) was introduced to me over a year ago, but I had not tried it right away. Then more recently a couple of my colleagues reminded me of it and encouraged me to try it. Once I saw how well it worked on them, and being reminded daily of my dry, patchy, and irritated skin, it was an easy option to choose. I was also searching for a sulfate-free, paraben-free cleanser to use daily. Not to mention, it is fun going into my "kitchen" to whip up a batch of my favorite cleansing oil. Please keep in mind  that the OCM is not only for people with dry skin like Penny' can also be used on oily or acne-prone skin, and may be the answer to achieve better balance for all skin types.  Some may think that oil alone will cause blemishes, but oil dissolves oil. Blemishes (acne, whiteheads, blackheads, etc) are a result of several different factors including hormones, bacteria, dead skin cells and the combination of these factors. Your skin naturally produces oil to help lubricate, heal, protect, and moisturize it. However, many of our traditional cleansers tend to strip skin of our natural oils, causing irritation and an unhealthy appearance. (Read full story...)