Penny thought it would be cool to try a new recipe...not my usual summer cocktail experimentation (LOL)...but instead a new way to increase my WATER intake this summer. Recently I caught a segment of the Dr. Oz show that featured nutritional coach Kym Lyon's 10-day Ultimate Plan to to Trim Fat for Good. The plan has four pretty simple steps. Step 1 is called the Fat Flush Water. Here is what I saw on the show and found on the Dr Oz website:
Step 1: Flush Fat
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Fat Flush Water |
Fat Flush Water
Ingredients, per 8-ounce serving
1 slice grapefruit
1 tangerine
½ cucumber, sliced
2 peppermint leaves
Directions: Combine ingredients in a large pitcher. Drink at least one 8 ounce glass three times a day before each meal for 10 days straight.
Penny figured if I have to drink more water anyway, why not drink water that has additional nutritional value. So I got my pretty summer pitcher at Target ($5.99), bought the ingredients at Trader Joe's, and drank my new water cocktail all day yesterday. I'm still getting used to the taste as the longer the fruits and veggies stay in the water, the more it becomes flavored. If you're one of those people that puts lemon in their water, then this will be a breeze. (Or one of those people who like infused vodka...same concept. LOL). Some people make a fresh batch daily as recommended; some add fresh ingredients every other day. I doubt I will drink all of that water in one day so I may make a fresh batch every other day...we'll see how it goes. I do plan to drink more than the required amount, therefore I plan to take this water with me every work...on the road, etc. I'm really hoping this flush works and helps to eliminate/reduce the edema (swelling) I get almost daily in my ankles, and feet. Yesterday I think I was a bit dehydrated so even though I went to the bathroom a few times, it didn't really feel like I was 'flushing' my system. But I will keep at it and see how it goes for the next couple weeks. Let me know if you have tried the fat flush water before and how it worked for you. Now if I could only complete the other 3 steps in the 10-day program I will be off to a great start this summer. LOL!
Be blessed. Be beautiful.